Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plants ready for the field

We're anticipating having a few days of mild, dry weather to get the first broccoli, cabbage and lettuce in this week, and start working on getting the sweet onions in. In addition to the transplants, I should be able to get in the first sowings of radishes, turnips, spinach, arugula and carrots. They will be going in on the muck ground we rented down the road from the farm. I will have pictures of that soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andy! It is good to find you and see what you are up to since we left OPBBC. Can you plant that brocoli out now and the cold nights not hurt it? We are interested in learning more on organic growing since we left behind the commercial dairy. We raise grass fed beef, pork chicken and turkey now. Happy farmig!
    The Reynolds~
